How To Create A Blank Database In Access 2016

Now that you know what database is actually, you might be interested in designing your own. So to help you in this, we have started it from the beginning i.e creation of your new /blank database in Access 2016.

Before proceeding toward building of a new database, you may want to look at the template include in Access to see if any of them matches well with your requirement. After the template you choose, access creates a new database based on that template. Once it is created, you can fill the database with your own information or modify it as per your need.

So, let's start knowing how to create new/blank access database in access 2016. Basically you can create this by two methods; one from the File menu and other from the Welcome screen.

Steps To Create Blank Database In Access 2016

From The File Menu

If your access is already open then you can also create a blank database from the File Menu.


Select the File tab. This will take you to the Backstage view.


Click to the New option from the left-menu.


After clicking to the new option a window will get open where you see several option for template along with the blank template. So, if you want blank template then choose Blank desktop database option. Or you can also click a suggested search to find templates or use the search bar to find something more specific.>


After choosing blank desktop database, here assign name to your database.


Click to the Create option as this will create a new blank database containing one table that is ready to be configured.

From The Welcome Screen


Open Microsoft access and then click to the Blank desktop database option from the welcome screen.


Assign name to your database at the prompt and click to the create option.


This will create a blank database. However it does contain one table that is ready to be configured.