How To Create A Totals Row In Access 2016

The function of total row in the Access 2016 is quiet useful to take quick glance, over the totals done for a given field within a table. Total row apply an aggregate function for all values in the field and then display the result in its self dedicated row.

Basically you can make use of the Totals row to calculate sum of all values, maximum value, a count of the records in the table, an average of the values, minimum value, standard deviation etc.

Steps To Create A Totals Row In Access 2016


In the Datasheet View open your table and click Totals in the ribbon from the Home tab.
You will see a new row will get appended to the table with the word total in the first column.


In this new total row, tap in the field you want the total to be applied to.

From the drop down list make selection for the desired function.

Here, in the shown example, we apply sum function to the Population field. This will add up the population of all countries and the total sum will appear in the new Total row.


Total will automatically get generated when you select the desired option.


To keep this Totals row permanently, don't forget to save the changes you have done to the table.


Close the table using the small X icon. And now click yes at the prompt.