Most of you must agree with this fact that applications showing runtime errors are quite tough to handle. Because such unhandled errors cause the application to get close. Isn’t it…?
The same case is with the MS Access Database application. The occurrence of MS Access runtime errors leads to program crashing. And this will ultimately hamper all your data present in the Access Database.
So, don’t let those Access database runtime errors reach to such a disastrous level. Try to fix them out as soon as you can.
For your convenience, we have listed down some commonly rendered MS Access runtime error codes along with its fixes. So, catch them out and easily troubleshoot Access Runtime errors on your own.
What Is MS Access Runtime Error?
MS Access runtime error is a type of program error which usually encounters meanwhile the execution of the program. Well, these runtime errors are also contrasted with other types of programs like syntax errors and compile-time errors.
The most noticeable point of Access runtime error is program crashing since the program unexpectedly quiets meanwhile the execution. Well behind such runtime error there can be several reasons like referencing missing files, calling invalid functions, or improper/incorrect handling of some input.
Practical Scenario:
I wrote a small tool in MS Access 2010. Works great and I have not had any problems with it.
Suddenly, the person using it is getting a runtime error. Strange because it was working fine before.
They do NOT have full version of access on their machine – only the runtime version. So, the error does not tell me anything.
Any suggestions for how to trouble shoot this or to somehow trap the error in code so that I can get a better, more informative error message?
MS Access Runtime Errors Along With Their Fixes
Let’s start knowing about some frequently encountered Access runtime errors. We will discuss each of the runtime errors one by one in brief.
2# Access Runtime Error 424 “Object Required”
3# Microsoft Access Runtime Error 6 Overflow
4# MS Access Error 91 “Object Variable or With block variable not set”
5# Access Run time error 3075: missing operator in query expression
6# Access Run-Time Error ‘5’: Invalid Procedure Call or Argument
7# Error “Cannot join on Memo, OLE, or Hyperlink Object” when joining Access tables
8# “property not found or Access Runtime Error 3270”
9# Microsoft Office Access Runtime Error 1907 Could Not Register Font
10# “Runtime error 2147319779 (8002801d) library not registered” when setting a company as default
11# “Other Access Runtime errors
1# MS Access Runtime Error 13
“Access runtime error 13: type mismatch error” occurs when you run the OpenRecordset method is MS Access.
Most commonly this error encounters when you measure an MS Access object as Recordset. After then set that to databaseobject.OpenRecordset(source).
This will throw the following error:
Run time error ’13’: Type mismatch
If your Access database project having references to both ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) library & Data Access Objects (DAO) library. At that time, you may see numbers of recordset entries in the list while measuring the Recordset object.
Access Run time error ’13’ occurs if; in the References dialog box, you have listed the ADO library with some higher priority more than DAO library.
If in your Access Database project, you require only DAO Recordset object. Then make sure that in the References dialog box, reference of DAO object library has greater priority. Or alternatively, remove the reference assigned in the Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects.
if you need to use both DAO and ADO Recordset objects, then, in that case, set the measurement of the objects explicitly like this:
Dim adoRS As ADODB.Recordset
Dim daoRS As DAO.Recordset
2# Access Runtime Error 424 “Object Required”
Well, this specific Access runtime 424 “Object Required “occurs. When MS Access database is unable to access the “objects” referenced in the MS Access code. These objects can be a class, variable, or library reference.
To resolve this Access Runtime Error 424 “Object Required” you need to assign an explicit object qualifier to references properties and methods.
Here are two causes of this error along with its solution, so go through it:
Cause 1#
You must have referred to an object method or property, but you haven’t assigned any valid object qualifier.
A simple way to resolve this issue is to specify an object qualifier. If it is not provided there. Well, you can avoid object qualifier if you are referencing form property from the form’s own module. But it’s compulsory to explicitly assign the qualifier if you are referencing the property from the standard module.
Cause 2#
Chances are also that you have specified the object qualifier but it fails to get recognized as an object.
In that case, check out the spelling of the object qualifier and make it visible in your program part in which you want to reference it.
For collection objects, ensure any occurrences of Add method as this will ensure the syntax and spelling of all the elements are correct.
3# Microsoft Access Runtime Error 6 Overflow
Microsoft Access Runtime Error 6 Overflow occurs when anyone tries to make an assignment that exceeds the assignment’s target. The specific error has the following causes and solutions.
Causes 1#
the assignment output, calculation, data type conversion is too huge to get represented undervalues range assigned for that variable type.
So, for this, you need to assign a variable’s value of such type which can efficiently keep larger values range.
Cause 2#
Chances are also that an assignment to property must have exceeded the maximum limit of property value.
Ensure that your assignment must fit well in the range assigned for the property to which it is made.
Make sure your assignment fits the range for the property to which it is made.
4# MS Access Error 91 “Object Variable or With block variable not set”
In the Access database, there are two ways to make object variables. In a first way, you have to declare the MS Access object variable. After that, you have to assign a valid reference to the object variable by making use of the Set statement.
Just like the same, With…End With block also needs to get initialized just by executing With statement starting point. Here are the causes and solution of this MS Access runtime Error 91 “Object Variable or With block variable not set”
Cause 1#
You must have tried to use an object variable that is not till now referenced as a valid object.
To fix this, you have to specify and re-specify object variable references.
Here are some of the examples shown below to elaborate it more clearly:
If the Set statement is been removed from the below-mentioned code then the error will be produced on the reference to MyObject:
Dim MyObject As Object ‘ Create object variable.
Set MyObject = Sheets(1) ‘ Create valid object reference.
MyCount = MyObject.Count ‘ Assign Count value to MyCount.
Cause 2#
You must have attempted to make use of an object variable that is set to Nothing.
Set MyObject = Nothing ‘ Release the object.
MyCount = MyObject.Count ‘ Make a reference to a released object.
So, you need to re-specify the object variable references. Suppose you have used a new Set statement for setting up object’s new reference.
Cause 3 #
Chances are also that object is invalid. But it was not set because the object library which contains it is not been chosen in the dialog box of Add References.
Don’t forget to choose the object library option within Add References dialog box.
5# Access Run time error 3075: missing operator in query expression
This specific “Access runtime error 3075: missing operator in query expression” occurs in two circumstances. So, check out those situations and also get an idea on how to overcome it
Symptom 1:
At the time of running a query that has a field name which starts with double-byte Arabic number.
E.g.: if your field name is having two or more characters like this “�PMonth”, then you will get the following error message:
Syntax error in query expression ‘ Table Name.�PMonth’: Missing operator.
If your field name having only a single character like this “1”. Then in that case also you will get the following error message:
Invalid use of ‘.’, ‘!’, or ‘()’ in query expression ‘ Table Name. ‘.
For resolving this issue, keep the field name under the single-byte square brackets ([ ]). E.g. if the field name is 1Month then change it to [1 Month].
Symptom 2:
This “Access runtime error: missing operator in query expression” also comes when you are using a table that contains some fields having the name of which initial letters are in double-byte Arabic numbers.
For this, you must have created a query for selecting entire data having the field names whose initial letters are with double-byte Arabic numbers. But When you execute such query, it displays the following error message:
Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression ‘TableName.FieldName‘.
Here, TableName is used for the name of the table and FieldName represents the field name of which you are querying.
This error frequently encounters in objects other than tables.
For solving this error, make use of the following methods:
Method 1
- Change the field names which starts with double-byte Arabic numbers. So, that it can’t use the double-byte Arabic numbers.
- Make and after that save a new query.
Method 2
- Make a new query depending on the table. Assign your new query with the name Query1.
- make a field having name *to the query. Note:
Do not add any other fields except TableName.*.
- properly save the new query.
- Make use of some new queries to choose the fields which you need.
6# Access Run-Time Error ‘5’: Invalid Procedure Call or Argument
Access “Run-Time Error ‘5’: Invalid Procedure Call or Argument” encounters while trying to alter the location of sysdata directory to a shared directory on the network from modifying SYSDATA Directory dialog box of Microsoft FRx.
Well, this error encounters when you haven’t set any defaulting company in FRx.
If a company is set as default, then it’s code will appear in FRx Control Panel; which is present in the lower right corner. if you haven’t got any company code here then perform the following steps:
- go to the Company menu, choose the Default option.
- from the Default Company dialog box, make the selection of the FW
- after then tap to the OK option.
After making such changes, the default company is set as FW. Thus, now you can easily change the sysdata directory to the shared location.
7# Error “Cannot join on Memo, OLE, or Hyperlink Object” when joining Access tables
The user faces this Access runtime error at the time of joining the Access table in the field which has a ‘Long String’ type. At that time, it will display an Unknown Access database Error. And the following error message comes on your screen:
Database error 0x80040E21: Cannot join on Memo, OLE, or Hyperlink Object
The main reason behind this Access runtime error “Cannot join on Memo, OLE, or Hyperlink Object” is long strings. Because in Access, long strings are counted as MEMO fields. and in such type of field, joins can’t be made.
In MS Access, you need to change the field type of your table data from Long to Short String.
8# “property not found or Access Runtime Error 3270”
MS Access 2016 uses code written in VBA for defining a database. through this, it can reference a group of objects having data access objects like DAO, ActiveX Data Objects, and much more.
When such custom VBA code is been used, the probability of getting bugs gets higher. So, for fixing up this Access runtime error 3270 it is recommended to make a check for the code and fix all the mistakes wherever it is found.
It’s not that right to linkup Access runtime error 3270 ‘property not found’ issue evetime with coding or programming. Because the same error can be encountered due to several other reasons like the conflict between installed system application or programs, older version of application and libraries, virus attacks, older OS software version.
These reasons sometimes lead to Access database file corruption which further imparts to Access database corruption or damage like issues.
Method 1. Try Clearing the Temp Folder
Longer web browsing and system usage also lead to slowing down the PC performance and it will affect it’s containing the application. So, you need to clear up all the junk and temporary files to fix this up:
- First of all, Open RUN utility by tapping to the CTRL + Windows.
- After then open the Temp file folder just by hitting up the %temp% and press Enter.
- Tap to the Select All option or just make a press on the CTRL + A option. For selecting all the junk/temporary files.
- Make a right-click and choose the Delete Option. In this way, you can delete all your temp files.
- After performing such once again check whether the error is removed or not.
Method 2. Check Windows 10 Updates and download the latest updates
Time to time Microsoft release several of its security patches and system updates. This helps in easy addressing of issue which is associated with Access runtime error 3270 ‘property not found’. Well if you haven’t performed such things ever then also need not to worry because here are the following things to perform.
- At first press Windows+ Q and type Settings.
- Now press on the Update & Security section, as below.
- Tap to the Windows Update option.
- Now it’s time to make a check for any updates whether it’s available or not. And for this, you have to make a click on the Check for Updates button.
- If it’s available then immediately download and install the updates.
9# Microsoft Office Access Runtime Error 1907 Could Not Register Font
Getting error Access Runtime Error 1907: Could Not Register Font? It may be due to having 2 different versions of MS Access installed on the same PC.
Immediately uninstall one version of MS Access from your PC.
- Go to the start menu.
- Now open the Control Panel then go to the Programs option
- Within the Programs and Features option, look for the program that you want to uninstall.
- After getting that program, tap to the Uninstall
- Follow the uninstall prompts for the complete uninstalling of the application.
10# “Runtime error 2147319779 (8002801d) library not registered” when setting a company as default
MS Access “Runtime error -2147319779 (8002801d) automation error library not registered.” occurs when you try to set a company as default.
using the unregistered ADO Object dependency, FRx tries to access the specification set and system database. For the successful installation, you need to have the latest version of MDAC (Microsoft Data Access Components) (MDAC Version 2.8 and later).
To fix this, you need to register the access file msadox.dll present in the C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\ado folder.
Other Access Runtime Errors:
11# MS Access Run Time Error 3274 : External Table is Not in the Expected Format
12# run-time error ‘-247352567 (80020009)’: You can’t assign a value to this object
13# Error 3050 “Could not lock file”
14# “Microsoft Access has detected corruption in this file” error(29072)
16# The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot find the input table or query ‘Agency’.
17#Error 80004005 “The Microsoft Jet Database Engine cannot open the file ‘(unknown)'”
18# Microsoft Access Error 2544
19# Access Runtime Error 3044: Not A Valid Path
Try Professional Solution To Fix Access Runtime Error
Even after trying out all these manual methods, if you are unsuccessful in fixing up this error with MS Access Database MDB/ACCDB File. Then you have the only option left, that is to use the Access database repair tool.
Make use of the Access Database Repair And Recovery Tool which is capable of recovering any kind of corruption errors. It repairs MDB/ACCDB file easily. You can also try the free trial version of this software before purchasing it. You can completely rely on this software.

* By clicking the Download button above and installing Stellar Repair for Access (14.8 MB), I acknowledge that I have read and agree to the End User License Agreement and Privacy Policy of this site.
Steps To Use MS Access Repair and Recovery Tool
Though Access runtime errors are just referred to as bugs which are often found during the debugging process. But when such runtime errors occur after the release of the program. The developers often release patches, small updates to resolve such irritating MS Access runtime errors.
After reading out the complete post it’s quite clear that all the runtime error mentioned above doesn’t have any expected format to occur. So, it’s important to have an idea on how to tackle such annoying runtime errors. From now onwards don’t be afraid of facing such Microsoft Access runtime errors just try manual fixes mentioned in this post.

This software repairs & restores all ACCDB/MDB objects including tables, reports, queries, records, forms, and indexes along with modules, macros, and other stuffs effectively.
- Download Stellar Repair for Access rated Great on Cnet (download starts on this page).
- Click Browse and Search option to locate corrupt Access database.
- Click Repair button to repair & preview the database objects.