How to Convert MS Access To Web Application?

Microsoft Access is a commonly used database management tool, but in today’s web-driven world, transitioning to a web-based application can provide improved accessibility, scalability, and efficiency. This means you can run and browse your Access database from anywhere and from any device you want. In this blog, you will learn why it is necessary to convert MS Access to web application and how you can do so.

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Why Need To Convert Access Database To Web App?

Before stepping towards building an Access database to share on the Web, it’s important to know what’s the need of doing so. Isn’t it?

A custom web-based application is an online database application that can be accessed from any browser. Users will create and maintain the Access database web app in the desktop version but can also use it in any of the browsers they want.

Thus, by doing this you can easily use your Access database from any device having an internet connection like tablets or smartphones.

Benefits Of Access Database Web-Based Applications

  • You can access your database from any device and in any browser.
  • Simultaneously multiple users can work on the application at the same time.
  • You can achieve secure and well-managed access to your data.
  • It gives much easier deployment & support. Just by updating the server code, you can provide all your clients with the latest version of the application.
  • Easy to share your data over the internet or in the organization.

Also Read: Convert Access Database to CSV File Without Losing Data!

How to Create An Access Web App In Access 2016?

Here is the complete step to create an Access Web App In Access 2016. So just follow it:

  • Tap to the File tab option from the menu bar of your Access database application window. After then hit on the New word present on the left side panel. This will give you access to a web app template.

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  • Tap on the Custom Web App button. This will open the dialog box in which you have to assign a name to your app and also the location where you want to save it online.

Note: Below the web location box there is a link asking for Get Help Finding.

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  • Your selection of web locations will take you to the website which gives you the option to use it. This will happen only if you select to stay developing your web app.

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  • Put a name in the App Name text box, for your Access database web app.
  • Either Choose or manuallyly feed the URL of the site which will host your web app.
  • in the Available Locations list box, you will see Office 365 sites already appears listed. Suppose you want to use a local SharePoint site then in that case type its URL in SharePoint or else the site URL of Office 365.
  • hit to the circled right arrowhead present on the right of the dialog box to search for the templates.

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  • After fetching it tap to the Create option.
  • Access will make a web app according to the template you have chosen. After finishing up the creation of An Access Web App you will see Add Tables tab option on your application screen.

Now all set…! You can add other tables to your web app besides the one that is created as per your template selection.

Can You Turn an Access Database into an App?

Yes, you can turn an Access database into an app. There are various solutions available to get this job done. In the next section, you will learn step-by-step methods for moving MS Access to web app and improving accessibility, scalability, and efficiency.

How to Convert MS Access To Web Application?

How To Convert Access Forms To Web Format

Database applications, like MS Access, are well suited to websites that depend on already stored data for creating and saving content. Whereas, the database is stored on the server which executes on the website background. So, you need to follow some method to enter or retrieve data. For such tasks, MS Access forms are perfect for creating a user interface for easy communication with the database.

After that, these Access forms can be transformed into HTML within your MS Access application. So, this will ultimately simplify the process to convert Access database into web application.

Step 1

Make a double-tap on your MS Access file to open the database.

Step 2

Now double-click on your Access form present in the “Objects” column on the screen’s left side.

Step 3

Hit the “External Data” tab present on the top of the screen.

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Step 4

Choose the “More” option from the “Export” section. This will further expand the list of file export options.

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Step 5

Tap to the “HTML Document” option to open the “Export” window.

Step 6

Hit the “Browse” option present at the top.  This will help you to find the location for the web-formatted MS Access form which you want to export. After then hit on the “OK” button.

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Step 7

Choose the type of encoding which you wish to apply on the web form. After then hit on the “OK” button.

Here you will see three encoding option:

  • “Default encoding”
  • “Unicode”
  • “Unicode UTF-8.”

If you are not having any idea about what type of encoding you need to choose then choose the option “Default encoding”. This will use your PC’s default system encoding to make a file.

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Make a checkmark present next to the “Save export” option. as this will save the steps you have performed and you don’t need to perform it again in the future. After then tap to the “Close” option.

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If your web demands a file format other than HTML, Then also you need not worry because you can export your data into the XML data format. To do this, just choose the “XML file” option from the export data menu in place of the “HTML document.”

Also Read: How to Convert MDB to ACCDB File? – (Complete Guide)

How To Publish Access Database On The Web Using SharePoint?

The process of creating an Access database to share on the Web is possible with MS Access services & Access 2010, a component of SharePoint. You can easily design and publish a web database using Access 2010 and SharePoint. People with SharePoint accounts can use their web Access database in any web browser.

Note: The user needs to have a user account to use a web database. Anonymous access is not allowed here.

When any user publishes their web Access database, Access Services generates a SharePoint site with the database. Entire database objects & their data will get shifted to SharePoint lists of that particular site.

After the procedure of publishing, visitors of SharePoint visitors can easily be able to use your database. Moreover, it depends on allotted permissions for the SharePoint site.

  • Full Control: through this, you can make changes in the design and data.
  • Contribute: in this option, you can make data change but not allowed to make changes in the design.
  • Read: through this option you can only read the data but can’t perform any changes.

You can open your web Access database, review its design, and can also sync all the changes you have done. Just by saving them on the SharePoint site. Here is the following video to illustrates the complete process of doing design changes after publishing of your web database.

You have also the option to make your web database offline and flawlessly use its offline version. When you get online again just sync the data and design changes you have done.

In my previous post on How To Share An Access Database On Network For Multi-User Access.  I have already discussed how to Share a database by linking to SharePoint lists. So make a check…!

Frequently Asked Question:

How to Create & Start an Access Mobile App?

To create an Access mobile application, you have to:

  • Visit the Android Google Play Store or iOS Store.
  • Then, search for “AccessMore” app.
  • Choose ‘Sign up’ to register.
  • Choose Unique User ID & Password.
  • After that, create PIN with card or OTP sent to mobile number/ Call our Contact Center(01-2702005) to set up an E-PIN/token.

Does Access Have a Mobile App?

Yes, Access® mobile app is an excellent application which is a personalized cooperative learning solution that makes studying easier & more efficient.

What Is the Name of Access Mobile App?

The AccessMore app is the name of Access application for Android.

Time to Conclude

So, it’s time to wrap up!

Converting Microsoft Access to a web application is a transformative step for businesses. This helps to improve accessibility, enhances collaboration, and positions your operations for future growth. With right solutions mentioned above in this post, the transition can be smooth and highly rewarding.

Hopefully, after reading the complete post your search to convert MS Access to web based application must have ended now.

tip Still having issues? Fix them with this Access repair tool:

This software repairs & restores all ACCDB/MDB objects including tables, reports, queries, records, forms, and indexes along with modules, macros, and other stuffs effectively.

  1. Download Stellar Repair for Access rated Great on Cnet (download starts on this page).
  2. Click Browse and Search option to locate corrupt Access database.
  3. Click Repair button to repair & preview the database objects.

Pearson Willey is a website content writer and long-form content planner. Besides this, he is also an avid reader. Thus he knows very well how to write an engaging content for readers. Writing is like a growing edge for him. He loves exploring his knowledge on MS Access & sharing tech blogs.