Is your Access application is frequently showing “Reserved Error-7713” message? Well this particular is commonly encountered by the Access 2016 users. Likewise this Reserved Error occurs in different of the Access version with different error code.
Wants to know what they are OR…..Looking for the best fixes to resolve this ERROR in a convenient way?
Well, in that case you need to check out the complete solution mentioned n this post below.
As this tutorial contains every detail about this Access reserved error occurred in several of your Access versions 2016/ 2013/2010/2007 and the best fixes to resolve this.
Practical Scenario:
One of the users like you has been facing this nasty error in Microsoft Access 2016.
Hello all,
I have an access project that uses linked tables to MySQL Database. Using MySQL ODBC 5.1 driver (64 bit). I have a sub that copies recordset data to newly created excel files. It was working just fine and then randomly stopped working.
I get the following error when attempting to simply recordset.movenext
Reserved Error (-7713) There is no message for this error.I’ve troubleshooted this a bit.. tried to relink my tables based off of some light googling. Before I link any code or go any deeper, has anyone seen this error message?
This may have something to do with having an open excel instance… or, i just am at a loss here.
5 Instant Fixes To Repair Damaged Access Macros And Modules
How To Import MS Excel Data INTO MS Access 2016 Database
When Access encounters a connection issue to an ODBC source, you would have to restart Access to reestablish the connection. An update was created to fetch connection and re-establish them on next use and was released with MSI update KB 3115501 in May 2017 along with the Office 365 builds starting with build 1611. Product issue is been founded with this change that leads to generation of any of the following errors.
Reserved error (-7713): there is no message for this error
- The expression on click you entered as the event property setting produced the following error : object invalid or no longer set
- Controls displaying #name? instead of value
- Access gets crashes frequently
Reason For Access 2016 Reserved Error (-7713)
Update KB3115501 is causing this Access Reserved Error (-7713). Experts have reported this particular Reserved Error (-7713) Access 2016 message as:
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x0011ce7b
Faulting process id: 0x4e8
Faulting application path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office16\MSACCESS.EXE
Faulting module path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE16\ACECORE.DLL
The exception code is for STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION. It has also been concluded that the reason for this error is Update KB3115501. After uninstalling this update the Reserved Error (-7713) has been gone.
Reserved Error -7711 In Access 2013
The similar reserved error can also get encountered in Access 2013. Mainly while using ms access with DataDirect ODBC Oracle Wire Protocol driver, an error message exceeding 512 bytes in length will prompt the application to return “reserved error -7711”. With oracle’s native ODBC Driver, the truncated message is returned, which yields more useful information.
Error Message:
“Reserved Error -7711”
Defect/Enhancement Number: DD00041890
Ms Access improperly handles “SQL Success with Info” because of which DataDirect’s driver returns with an error message greater than 512 bytes.
Fixes For Access 2013 “Reserved Error -7711 “
Filed enhancement DD00041890 on build to request that the driver return the truncated error message instead of the “reserved error -7711”. Enhancement request DD00041890 has been implemented in build 5.30.0140(B0102, U0073). Tap here for instruction on how to download and install the patch.
RESERVED ERROR -7748 in MS Access versions 2003, 2007, and 2010
This particular reserved error code- 7748 comes while linking OE table in Ms Access.
Problem Description
Reserved error -7748 when trying to link a OpenEdge 10.x database table in Microsoft Access
Reserved error (-7748) there is no message for this error.
Error in ODBC trace file:
DIAG [01004] [DataDirect][ODBC Progress OpenEdge Wire Protocol driver]String data, right truncated. Error in column 10. (0)
Problem occurs when using the 5.1 DataDirect driver shipped with 10.1A.
Issues occurs when using the 5.1 DataDirect driver shipped with 10.1B.
Error occurs when using the 5.1 DataDirect driver shipped with 10.2B.
[Fixed] MS Access Error “ID is not an index in this table”
The reason is mainly because of the issue occurred within Microsoft Access, not to the DataDirect driver.
For column number 10, MS Access 2000 calls SQLStatisticsW and SQLGetData. Access asks for the data as a two-byte SQL_C_WCHAR, which is mainly for storing down the UCS2 character and the null terminator. So, the driver returns a warning, “01004 Data truncated”, to return the null character to Microsoft Access and throws error -7748.
Fixes For “Reserved Error -7748” in MS Access 2003, 2007, and 2010
You must keep a proper backup of the registry before making any changes.
In order to resolve this error, set WorkArounds2=8192 for the affected data source. This can be done by using the Registry Editor (RegEdit).
1. Run RegEdit
2. Search the ODBC DSN in the Registry:
For a USER Data Source, go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER -> Software -> ODBC -> ODBC.INI -> YourDataSourceName
For a SYSTEM Data Source, go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> Software -> ODBC -> ODBC.INI -> YourDataSourceName
For 32-bit applications (ODBC drivers) on 64-bit Windows, (MACHINE) Data Source, go to
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> Software -> Wow6432Node -> ODBC -> ODBC.INI -> YourDataSourceName
3. tap to the folder for your data source, from the menu select:
Edit -> New -> String Value
4. Assigned name to the new string value to be WorkArounds2
5. Make a double tap on the WorkArounds2 in the right hand panel as this will opens up a dialog box with the data value field.
6. Change the data value to 8192 (The string value that must be added to Windows XP SP2 and Progress 10.1A02 is WorkArounds2=40960)
7. Click OK
8. Close RegEdit
If you are using Windows 95 and 98 then you need to reboot, then only the change done in settings will get into effect.
“ODBC–Call Failed” Error
“ODBC–call failed” error when you open a table that is linked to a SQL Database instance in Access
Suppose the following scenario.
- Table has so many records in a Microsoft Azure SQL Database instance.
- Table is added as a linked table in Microsoft access.
- May be you are trying to open the linked table in Access.
In this scenario, you get this error message that seems like this:
ODBC–call failed: [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0]TCP Provider: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host (#10054) [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0]Communication link failure (#10054)
This error can also encounter when you try to open the linked table from other applications that are connected to the SQL Database instance table by using Microsoft open Database Connectivity (ODBC).
Microsoft have approved the problem is in the Microsoft products that are listed in the “ Applies To” section.
To fix up this issue, you need to try one of the following methods:
- Tap to the last records as soon as table gets opened in order to display all records in the linked table in the Datasheet View Of Access.
- Don’t choose all records in the linked table to be displayed. Make selection of the limited number of records.
Hopefully now you must have got an easy idea on how to fix this access reserved error in several of your Access version such as 2016, 2013,2010,2007 etc. Try them freely and if you have any more knowledge regarding fixing of this Access Reserved Error then you are most welcome to share with us in our commenting section.